Lose yourself


At times when stress surrounds me and I feel as if I’m buried beneath unmovable mountains, I always turn to music, trusting that it will carry me away on its swift wings.

To lose yourself in its subtle melodies is to escape from the tedious realities that litter life.

When anger wells like a geyser within me, I lay back, play an Eminem song, and let the frustrations of my middle-class, white girl problems flow from me like lava pouring from a volcano.


image from tumblr.com

Some make the mistake of assuming that listening to the “angry” beats of Eminem will pump me full of vicious wrath and violence. However, his lyrics actually do the opposite. They rescue me from the rage that ensnares so many victims. I listen to his music with a smile on my face and life in my eyes. When I’m dreading a daunting paper or workout, his tempos push me through the fear and spark my enthusiasm, igniting a drive to excel in the furnace of my heart.

Many judge Eminem’s inappropriate and violent lyrics, along with his jests directed towards other celebrities. Both of those accusations, however, only focus on such a superficial and small part of what his music really is. He does what most mainstream artists are either scared or incapable of doing– filling his work with his passion and personal life.

When the music stops, gravity tugs me back down to earth like a weight tied around my ankle, puling me back into a tossing ocean of eerie noiselessness.

I move about through the day waiting for a taste of the tunes that tantalized my tangled mind and brighten the typically dull landscape of perfunctory daily events.

Music can carry me to heights that would be near impossible if silence were my only option. It makes me feel invincible, unconquerable, and as if I could do anything.